ramat gan zoo tiger

What did they discover in the Ramat Gan Zoo?

During construction of the Wildlife Hospital at the Ramat Gan Zoo, workers uncovered two 1,800-year-old sarcophagi. Apparently, they had already been uncovered 25 years ago during the construction of the zoo parking lot. But the artifacts had been moved aside and construction had continued. Without experts on-site, the true value of this archaeological discovery in Israel hadn’t been recognized. The two massive stone coffins measure 6.5ft-long (2m) and are decorated with carvings of religious symbols and flower motifs. The coffins are identical and probably belonged to a husband and wife. The coffins have been taken for further examination and construction of the animal hospital continues. The zoo is a great family outing for families. There is a safari drive-through section and a more traditional zoo section. Read about another recent archaeological discovery in Israel at the Cave of Horror!

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