israel flag and fighter jets

Is Independence Day (Yom Atzmaut) a good time to visit Israel?

Yes and No: Yes, it’s good to visit on Israel Independence Day, to take part in the evening celebrations, parties and fireworks. But, no, it’s not a good idea to be in Israel on Independence Day because the preceding day is a sombre memorial day, and many attractions are closed.

Remember that in Israel holidays last from sundown to sundown the following day. The day before Israel Independence Day is a memorial day dedicated to fallen soldiers. It is a sombre occasion, where all of Israel puts their prayers and thoughts on the loved ones they have lost. When Memorial Day ends at sundown, Independence Day begins. This gives us a poignant transition from sorrow into joy.

Israeli Memorial Day and Independance Day

First, we remembered those who fought to protect our country; then we celebrate the birth of a nation and its hard-earned independence. When Independence Day starts at sundown there are incredible nighttime street parties, fireworks, and free live performances. Then the next day, everyone is either sleeping off the previous night’s revelry. or having a quiet day in the park, hanging out at home, or enjoying a barbeque in one of the country’s national parks.

Israel flag at sunset

To break it down for you let’s look at the example of Israel Independance Day 2021:

Tuesday 13 April 2020: At 20:00 a 1-minute siren sounds across the country, and everyone stops what they are doing and stands to attention, remembering the fallen soldiers. At sundown, all places of entertainment, attractions and most stores close, In the evening there are memorial ceremonies and special memorial programs on TV. A ceremony is held at the Western Wall in Jerusalem and attended by government officials.

Wednesday 14 April 2020: During the Heroes Remembrance Day, there are more ceremonies, flags fly at half-mast, and a quiet atmosphere, Although most stores and businesses do open as usual, many choose to close for the day or work a half-day. At 11:00 there is a 2 minutes siren that brings everyone to a standstill. No matter where you are, in a store, at school, or walking down the street everyone stands, bows their heads and observes 2 minutes of silence in memory of the fallen soldiers. Even drivers stop their cars, get out and stand for the 2 minute tribute.

At about 19:30 the sun goes down and immediately the mood changes. Each city hosts street parties, street food stalls, and free public performances on outdoor, temporary stages. It is a fantastic party atmosphere. Throughout the evening most cities put on firework displays. Young Israelis tend to party through the night, and clubs have special dance parties.

Thursday 15 April 2020: Those who are not sleeping off a hang-over often visit nature reserves and parks where they have barbeques. Others continue to party through the day, go to the beach, or attend some of the special events. Some attractions, like the Safari Park, are open on Independence Day. Several Israel Army bases open their doors to the public, and there are important events such as the Israel Song Contest, the Israel Prize is awarded, and the International Bible Contest is held. There are a number of unique events on Independence Day, like the fly-by of Israel’s fighter planes along the coast, but in my opinion, this isn’t enough of a reason to be in Israel on Independence Day.

fireworks at night

Should you visit Israel on Yom Hazikaron (Rememberance Day)?


  • Be part of a unique celebration in Israel
  • Experience and siren tribute
  • Enjoy the incredible street parties and celebrations.
  • Enjoy special events on Independence Day that you wouldn’t be able to see on any other day of the year.


  • Be in Israel for Memorial Day when most things are closed.
  • Miss tourist attractions that will be closed on Memorial Day and Independence Day.
  • Be in Israel on sad, sombre Memorial Day.
  • You’ll have to plan your time around the different open hours.

When is Yom HaAtzmaut?

Israeli national holidays are set according to the Jewish calendar, so the dates for Yom HaAtzmaut changes each year.

  • 2022: Wednesday 4 May-Thursday 5 May
  • 2023: Tuesday 25 April-Wednesday 26 April
  • 2024: Monday 13 May-Tuesday 14 May
  • 2025: Wednesday 30 April-Thursday 1 May

The bottom line is that Israel Independence Day is a unique national celebration, but it does come with its pros and cons. Personally, I wouldn’t plan a trip to Israel over the Independence Day period if my time in Israel was limited. But if you are going to have an extended visit, why not include this special day in your itinerary.

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