covid test

June 2021 COVID Update: Can I travel to Israel if I’ve been vaccinated?

Updated 16 June 2021: As of 1 July 2021, individual solo travelers will be allowed to enter Israel as well as groups. COVID restrictions within Israel are almost completely canceled- face masks are no longer required, restaurants, attractions, retailers, and places of entertainment are all open as usual.

Israel closed its borders to foreign travelers in March 2020. Now a plan has been implemented to relaunch travel for vaccinated travelers and recovering COVID patients. From May 23, 2021, travelers will be able to fly to Israel if they take a PCR corona test before boarding, and another PCR test and serological test at Ben Gurion.

covid testing point at ben gurion Israel

The Israeli health and tourism ministries set the new regulations, in an effort to cautiously restart international travel. At first, only tour groups will be able to enter Israel. Authorities will monitor how this goes, and decide whether to include other travelers in the program.

Ben Gurion already has a PCR testing facility where arriving passengers are tested for COVID. Test results are ready in 14 hours or less. The results of a PCR test show whether a person is carrying the coronavirus. The government is considering setting up a facility at the airport for serology tests on arriving travelers. The serology test is done with a simple pin-prick on your thumb, and the results are ready within 15-minutes. A serological test shows the presence of antibodies in a person’s system.

Can I travel to Isreal if vaccinated?

At present, if someone has been vaccinated in their own country, and fulfills the other requirements, they can travel to Israel. (see below)

Passport and covid test before travel to Israel

Eventually, there will be a system of internationally accepted vaccine certificates or vaccine passports, but at present even vaccinated travelers must undergo COVID testing in order to enter Israel. A vaccination certificate from your home country should be in English, Hebrew, or Arabic.

What do I have to do to travel to Israel post-corona?

  • Get documented proof that you have been vaccinated for COVID-19, or that you have had corona, and recovered.
  • Before leaving your home country, take a COVID test up to 72 hours prior to flying, and test negative to corona.
  • Fill in the online entry statement up to 24 hours before your flight.
  • Travel with a pre-arranged group (group package tour, religious pilgrimage group, etc.)
  • On arrival at Ben Gurion in Israel, take a serology test to show you have enough antibodies in your system.
  • On arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, take a COVID-19 test, and test negative. Both the serology test and COVID test take place at the airport.
drive-thu corona test
Image by: Mashraki

What is the corona situation in Israel?

As of April 2021, 54.7% of the Israeli population has been fully inoculated. The largest group that has not had their COVID shots is children under 16-years-old. Until scientists are satisfied that the vaccine is safe for kids, Israel will have to wait for a completely inoculated population. Commerce and entertainment are slowly returning to the new normal. MAsks are no longer compulsory in open areas, and will soon not be needed indoors. Restaurants, and some public places, require people to show their vaccination certificate in order to enter. Kids are back at school, and generally, the outlook is optimistic. Tourism is the final key to relaunching travel and returning to life as we knew it. So, now people can travel to Israel if vaccinated!

For the most reliable updates about travel to Israel in 2021/2022, visit the Israel government website.

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